Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I Am Back...

And bigger than ever!
But first things first, why I was gone... I procrastinate. HUGE flaw of mine, like really, I suck. I always tell myself that I should update my blog, and get school work done, and eat properly, but you know, I decide to watch TV instead. So much easier:) But there isn't anything good on until 8 and 9(American Idol and GLEE shoot me now!) so I said what the heck, these people deserve to know what the hell is going on with my life.
So what is going on in my life? Oh same old same old... First off, I am single:( Yoohoo boys, where art thou hotties? You have a round man waiting for you;) Secondly, I got fed up with Culinary School(No pun intended) so I decided to drop out in the summer. You can all shut your mouths right now. Culinary is fast paced and hectic, something that I am not, so I have applied for 3 new things. Tourism Management(I love travel), Hospitality Management(Slower lifestyle), and Culinary Skills(I am in Culinary Management and apparently Culinary Skills is better for tardiots like myself). So this will be the survey of the week, or year or decade or however long it takes me to update this blog again:S (Hopefully a week). Next thing going on in my life is major suckage at my courses. Like failing miserably! English-Ugh, Butchery-Ew, Humanities-Fuck off!, Sociology-don't know why I am even taking this shit, and Profits-FAIL! So not doing so well. Good thing I am not coming back to this program next year because all them teachers would be like "that SOB missed more than he was here, why the fuck is he back?" Anywho... Forthly. Forth of all? Whatever! My doggie is being put down:( I had her since I was 6, and I am 20 now, so she is old, and weak, and sick. I am trying not to think about it and hoping she gets better:) If not I love my puppy:) And finally another sad note, my friend that I started seeing, but wasn't a few months ago, has been MIA. Like for 2 months he has disappeared. Apparently he is a crack addict, and has done this before, but the police are even looking for him. I hope he is alright too:( If not RIP Jeff:( If you aren't dead you better have a damn good excuse otherwise I will never talk to you ever again.
Now on to what a lot of you only are here to read about, my weight. Yes I have expanded, yes even with being sick, and yes I am rounder, firmer and heavier than ever before. Around 240, take or leave a few. Taller somehow(don't ask). I feel amazing:D I just need someone to love and take care of this gut. It needs LOTS of loving!
I have been meeting a lot of guys from sites like Beefyfrat and Growingguys, and they have all been great! Just wish they weren't one nighters-_- Oh wells, their loss. They all say I am bigger and cuter and taller in person, so that makes me feel good. If you ever want to meet just say so, because I love meeting;)
Well my fingers are tired... From typing you sickos! Anyways, I will hopefully talk to you all soon, since I will have more time on my hands(classes finish next Friday YAY!).
Love Andrew

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Andrew:
    You are full of news. A lot is going on in your life. I guess it is better to find out sooner than later that cooking and food weren't really your thing. So, happy switching of horses.
    Plus, new surroundings may let you find new friends!
    I'm glad you are, at least, happy with your body. A fine belly is of great comfort. Plus, you have grown in height, which proves that not all calories go toward the size of a tummy.
    Good to hear that you will have more time for blogs. I wonder when you will know what exactely your new study directions will be. Until fall you will be able to pay attention to keep your body happy. That is getting cuter, probably not taller, but bigger as well. As you say: YAY!
    Returning your love,
