Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Quick Update

Hey guys. I am all anxious about who knows what, but I am. I haven't updated at all this summer, and I feel bad about it.
Anyways, I am now 250lbs and have a 50" belly, so I am excited about that. And I am going to Expansion in October, YAY, Always wanted to go, and now I finally can. Can't wait to spend some time with a bunch of fatties:)
Also, I have gotten 2 jobs. One is selling knives and the other is at a factory. I hate both, but I get paid well, so who the f*ck cares right?
Can't wait to go back to school, for Tourism Management. If you want to do something with me in Toronto, let me know;) Anyways, I will give you a picture and update better later.
Love you all,

Friday, May 21, 2010

And the Job Search Begins...

Hey all! So exams are done(ew), and I am back home. I have been since May 1, but yeah, this month has gone by fast and keep forgetting to update, like usual, but here I am and it has only been a month! Hooray:) My exams sucked! I won't even say how bad I did because they sucked so bad. But at least I have 3 course credits that I can carry over to my new program:D What is my new program you ask? Drum roll please...

TOURISM MANAGEMENT!!! YAY!!! I have liked traveling and exploring since I was very young, and I thought, what the hell, I will do it. And I did. I am very happy about this decision, but now I just need to figure out what to do after college. Hmmm...

Anyways, back to personal stuff. My dog was put down on 5th:( RIP. It was her time, and it was for the best. No more suffering for her or us. Still it was sad. Someday I will get a new puppy, and be happy.
My friend is STILL MIA. UGH, come back! So I can bitch you out you stupid friend!!! *sigh* I miss him, but what can you do eh?
What else? Hmmm... Oh yeah. Why do all my favorite tv shows have to end around the same time? Hm? TELL ME WHY!!! America's Next Top Model ended, which was good because this season sucked, but I still like it. Survivor ended, which is meh, because I didn't like most of the season because Russell was overrated. So I am glad Sandra won. Can't wait for a new season! Grey's Anatomy ended too:( Best season finale ever! Almost made me tear up a little... ALMOST! The Biggest Loser is about to end. I lost track of it since I came home, but I still like it. Ashley better win or else...
It is starting to get hot and humid and sticky out, and it is starting to make me bitchy and lose my appetite. BOOOO. Yeah, but oh well, nothing will stop me muahahaha. I have no clue how much I weigh right now, I just know I am bigger, so I am happy:) Still single though:( Oh well, 1 out of 2 ain't bad. (I know it's 2 out of 3 ain't bad, but shuttup!)

Finally, I NEED A JOB! Any job would do. I applied for Tim Horton's(A Canadian coffee shop), McDonald's, Burger King, Wal Mart, another Tim Horton's, a grocery store and a bakery. I am hoping I get one of them:D *crosses fingers* I will hand out more though just in case. I just want money so I can go to Expansion(a gainer convention type thing). Wish me luck!
See you all soon!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I Am Back...

And bigger than ever!
But first things first, why I was gone... I procrastinate. HUGE flaw of mine, like really, I suck. I always tell myself that I should update my blog, and get school work done, and eat properly, but you know, I decide to watch TV instead. So much easier:) But there isn't anything good on until 8 and 9(American Idol and GLEE shoot me now!) so I said what the heck, these people deserve to know what the hell is going on with my life.
So what is going on in my life? Oh same old same old... First off, I am single:( Yoohoo boys, where art thou hotties? You have a round man waiting for you;) Secondly, I got fed up with Culinary School(No pun intended) so I decided to drop out in the summer. You can all shut your mouths right now. Culinary is fast paced and hectic, something that I am not, so I have applied for 3 new things. Tourism Management(I love travel), Hospitality Management(Slower lifestyle), and Culinary Skills(I am in Culinary Management and apparently Culinary Skills is better for tardiots like myself). So this will be the survey of the week, or year or decade or however long it takes me to update this blog again:S (Hopefully a week). Next thing going on in my life is major suckage at my courses. Like failing miserably! English-Ugh, Butchery-Ew, Humanities-Fuck off!, Sociology-don't know why I am even taking this shit, and Profits-FAIL! So not doing so well. Good thing I am not coming back to this program next year because all them teachers would be like "that SOB missed more than he was here, why the fuck is he back?" Anywho... Forthly. Forth of all? Whatever! My doggie is being put down:( I had her since I was 6, and I am 20 now, so she is old, and weak, and sick. I am trying not to think about it and hoping she gets better:) If not I love my puppy:) And finally another sad note, my friend that I started seeing, but wasn't a few months ago, has been MIA. Like for 2 months he has disappeared. Apparently he is a crack addict, and has done this before, but the police are even looking for him. I hope he is alright too:( If not RIP Jeff:( If you aren't dead you better have a damn good excuse otherwise I will never talk to you ever again.
Now on to what a lot of you only are here to read about, my weight. Yes I have expanded, yes even with being sick, and yes I am rounder, firmer and heavier than ever before. Around 240, take or leave a few. Taller somehow(don't ask). I feel amazing:D I just need someone to love and take care of this gut. It needs LOTS of loving!
I have been meeting a lot of guys from sites like Beefyfrat and Growingguys, and they have all been great! Just wish they weren't one nighters-_- Oh wells, their loss. They all say I am bigger and cuter and taller in person, so that makes me feel good. If you ever want to meet just say so, because I love meeting;)
Well my fingers are tired... From typing you sickos! Anyways, I will hopefully talk to you all soon, since I will have more time on my hands(classes finish next Friday YAY!).
Love Andrew

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Oh God. I wanted to keep my blog updated, I really did... But I didn't lol. Anyways, I am back now:) Who knows how much longer I will be back for though. I get sidetracked easily, you know with all the eating, and school work... And sleeping... And Facebooking... So yeah, MASSIVE ADD. I will let you know about my end of 2009.
Last time I saw you was in October, and a lot has happened personally since then. My grandpa went to the hospital for some reason, and he was there for a few weeks. They haven't really found why he was there, but it was serious, and he was weak from it. They think it was an enlarged bowel or something. I also gained a lot of weight between then and now:D
My Christmas was good, for the most part. My b*tch of a grandma made everything more difficult then it needed to be, but she does it every year, NOT just for Christmas, so I am used to it. Ate 3 different family meals. One with my mom's family, one with my dad's family, and one with just me, my mom, my dad, my sister and her boyfriend. I got money(for travelling), clothes, candy, and Wii games(Wii Fit, and Mario Kart), and other small things. Usually we get more things for Christmas, but because of both my sister and I being at school, and other shit, we couldn't afford much.
On that note, Happy belated Holidays!
New Year's was fun. I am not one to go out and party, even though some of you may think it. He knows what I am talking about;) ANYWAYS, my dad, mom, sister and her boyfriend, and I, all went bowling. It was cool. Lots of lights and stuff, so it seemed as if I was on an acid trip. Ah well, lol.
After that, my new semester began:) It will be a much more brain stimulating semester compared to last semester. I have Profit Management and the Sociology of Food, on Mondays. Humanities and English on Tuesdays. Butchery on Wednesdays. Garde Manger Theory 2, and English on Thursdays. And Advanced Culinary Knowledge and Dining Room Service on Fridays. Also on Fridays, starting in March, I will have Nutrition Practical, so I have a full load on Fridays:( But don't worry, there is ALWAYS time to eat;)
What else? Hm... Oh yeah, there is a special handsome man that I have my eye on:)
So anyways, everyone keeps on asking me how much I weigh. I seriously do not know. I haven't been on a scale since September, and I have gained a lot since then. I don't like scales, so I don't make goals based on weight. I base my goals mostly on looks. If I start not liking how I look, I will stop. That is what the Wii Fit is for:)
Anyways, if anyone has Wii, and has Brawl, or Mario Kart, hit me up with your Friend # :)